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    Author's Notes to Why Do the Swiss Have Such Great Sex?


    • For historical information I am deeply indebted to the Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz.
    • The following notes point out many sources that are not explicitly mentioned in the text.


    Question 1

    For YouGov survey see YouGov, “Britons have worst sex in Europe,” 20.06.2013. For full results see:

    For Alternet article, see Alternet, “The twelve most sexually satisfied countries,” 18.02.2014 at:

    Poggio Bracciolini quoted from William Somerset, The Life of Poggio Bracciolini, 1802

    Thomas Coryat quoted from his Coryat’s crudities: hastily gobled up in five moneths travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia commonly called the Grisons country, Helvetia alias Switzerland, some parts of high Germany and the Netherlands: newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the county of Somerset, and now dispersed to the nourishment of the travelling members of this kingdome, 1611

    Gilbert Burnet quoted from his Dr. Burnet’s Travels: Or, Letters Containing an Account of What Seemed Most Remarkable in Switzerland, Italy, Germany, France, &c. J. Lacy, 1724.

    For Heinrich Hössli see Pirmin Meier, Mord, Philosophie und die Liebe der Männer. Franz Desgouttes und Heinrich Hössli. Eine Parallelbiographie. Pendo Verlag, 2001

    Hans Niklaus König quoted from Rudolf Gimmel und Peter Matti in: Ortsgeschichte Münsingen, Münsinger Geschichte von A bis Z, 2.2 Armut und Armenfürsorge.

    Supreme court decision: BGer 2C_132/2014 vom 15.11.2014, consideration 5.5.2. Available online at

    For last sex shop see Jungfrau Zeitung, “Diskretion als oberstes Gebot,” 18.04.2018

    Caroline Fux quoted from ZentralPlus, “Man darf den Schweizer Liebhaber nicht unterschätzen,” 05.02.2016


    Question 2

    For the geophysicists’ research, see Kremer, Katrina et al., “Reconstructing 4000 years of mass movement and tsunami history in a deep peri-Alpine lake (Lake Geneva, France-Switzerland)” in Sedimentology, 2015, Vol 62 No. 5


    Question 3

    The British minister is Sir Frederic St. John, in 1905. He is quoted in Gavin de Beer, Travellers in Switzerland, Oxford, 1949.

    The Swiss senator is Johann Georg Keiser, in 1894.


    Question 4

    The reporter is Pascal Schwendener. The article is “Schatz underm Bundesplatz: Das Gold der Nationalbank,” in the 25.07.2008 edition of Der Bund. More recent speculation has much of the gold moved to a mountain bunker in Kandersteg. See Aargauer Zeitung, “Wo die Nationalbank ihr Gold versteckt: In diesem Bunker liegen Milliarden an Volksvermögen,” 30.07.2018

    For the Swiss Navy on Lake Luzern see SWI Swissinfo, “Out and About in Switzerland: The Swiss Navy on Parade,” 12.09.2000


    Question 5

    For the ETH study in forensic glaciology, see “Modelling the trajectory of corpses of mountaineers who disappeared in 1926 on Aletschgletscher, Switzerland,” by Guillaume Jouvet and Martin Funk, Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 60, No. 220, 2014.


    Question 6

    The government reports are Food and Agriculture Pocket Statistics for years 2015, 2016, 2017, from the Federal Office of Home Affairs and the Federal Office of Statistics.

    For emissions and harmful effects see “Landwirtschaft als Luftschadstoffquelle,” Bundesamt für Umwelt, available at

    For deaths due to slurry see “Dunloy farm death: What is slurry and why is it so dangerous?” BBC News, 08.06.2014

    For cow deaths see “Gefahren durch Schadgase in Gülle,” UFA Revue, 10.2013. See also Blick, “Ich hörte meine Kühe schreien,” 07.07.2016


    Question 7

    George Monbiot quoted from his Out of the Wreckage, Verso, 2017.


    Question 8.

    Dominik Osswald from his “Tod eines Unsterblichen,” in Tagesanzeiger, 01.05.2017

    Bertrand Gentizon, “Bergauf fünfmal schneller als der Mensch,” in Die Alpen, 01.2018.


    Question 9

    William Hill employee quoted from the Sydney Morning Herald, “What’s the chance you’ll get lucky?” 04.01.2011

    For CERN quotes see: and “Will CERN generate a black hole?” at

    George Greenstein from his Frozen Star, Freundlich Books, 1984.


    Question 10

    For Adam Lankdorf study and other figures see the New York Times, “What Explains US Mass Shootings? International comparisons suggest an answer.” 07.11.2017

    Eddie Izzard quoted from Dress to Kill.


    Question 11

    For the agnostic viewpoint cited here see

    For Toko, see Smithsonian, “In Search of William Tell,” August 2004

    André Holenstein quoted from Aargauer Zeitung, “Warum machen Sie unsere Schweizer Heldengeschichten kaputt?” 23.05.2015


    Chapter 13

    Walter Hauser from Stadt in Flammen: Der Brand von Glarus im Jahr 1861.Limmat Verlag, Zürich 2011.

    Julius Kugy quoted from his Aus dem Leben eines Bergsteigers, Rother, 1968.

    The student is Mark Morrison-Reed, and the account is from his In Between: Memoir of an Integration Baby, Skinner House Books, 2008.


    Question 14

    For the court decision see BGE 141 III 195 available at

    Peter Sennhauser from his “Die Land der grossen Freiheit,” Tageswoche, 18.06.2016


    Question 15

    Raoul Perrot cited in Mark O’Doherty, The Legacy of Kim Jong-un and the Workers‘ Party in North Korea, Crystal Grove Books, 2017

    Ko Yunk-suk quoted in The Washington Post, “The Secret Life of Kim Jong-un’s Aunt, who has lived in the US since 1998,” 27.05.2016

    Kim’s mother quoted in Korea Joongang Daily, “Kim Jong-un’s aunt fled to US,” 05.11.2013

    Pak-un’s friend quoted in The Telegraph, “North Korea leadership: My happy days at school with North Korea’s future leader,” 26.09. 2010

    See also Welt, “Kim Jong-un und sein Unterricht bei den Schweizern,” 24.06.2009


    Question 16

    For Swiss stone age diets see Schibler und Jacomet, “Zu Tisch: Ernährungsgeschichte aufgrund archäobiologischer Untersuchungen,” in Nike-Bulletin, 1-2, 2014

    Montaigne quoted from Michel de Montaigne, The journal of Montaigne’s travels in Italy by way of Switzerland and Germany in 1580 and 1581, John Murray, 1903


    Question 17

    New York Times quote from “Amid Growing crime, Zurich closes a park it reserved for drug addicts,” 11.02.1992

    The study is Le marché des stupefiants dans le canton de Vaud, 2017, a collaboration between the University of Lausanne, Addiction Suisse, and the IUMSP


    Question 18

    Mountain Areas in Europe: Analysis of mountain areas in EU member states, acceding and other European countries, Nordic Centre for Spatial Development, 2004


    Question 19

    Joseph Addison from his Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703, Tonson, 1767.


    Question 20

    Ian Cruxton quoted from BBC News Magazine, “500 Euro Note —why criminals love it so,” 13.05.2010

    SNB spokesperson quoted from Zeitonline, “Fluch der Tausender,” 24.01.2013


    Question 21

    Local official quoted from Aargauer Zeitung, “Nach 25 Jahren endet die ewige Ruhe,” 16.01.2011

    Mark Twain from his A Tramp Abroad, American Publishing Company, 1880


    Question 22

    Quotes about conditions during construction of the first Gotthard Tunnel from Konrad Kuoni, “Der Bau des Gotthard-Eisenbahntunnels (1872- 1881)” in Ferrum: Nachrichten aus der Eisenbibliothek, Stiftung der Georg Fischer AG, Band 80, 2008

    Statistics on Italian workers from Watson, “Die Italiener in der Schwiez—eine Geschichte in 5 Akten,” 06.02.2017

    For the price of bread see


    Question 23

    Till Eigenheer quoted from Schweiz am Wochenende, “Uebereifrige Hanf-Polizisten,” 03.09.2016

    For Supreme court case see


    Question 24

    For Bundesamt regulations see


    Question 25

    John Murray from his A Handbook for Travellers in Switzerland, Murray, 1861

    Marie Metrailler from her Die Reise der Seele, Hrsg. Marie-Magdeleine Brumagne, Ü: Pierre Imhasly, Zürich 1982

    Fynes Moryson from his An Itinerary Containing His Ten Yeeres Travell through The Twelve Dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland & Ireland, 1617


    Question 26

    For Philippine happiness see Gallup 2017 Global Emotions Report


    Question 27

    For Damini, see BBC News, “South Asia Elephant dies of Grief,” 06.05.1999

    Hans Heinrich Sambraus quoted from Beobachter, “Nachlese: was treibt Kühe in den Tod?” 25.09.2009. Here you can also see the disturbing photograph.

    Ajit Varki quoted from BBC Earth, “Many animals seem to kill themselves, but it is not suicide,” 06.07.2018


    Question 29

    Bundesamt fur Statistik quote from “Switzerland‘s ecological footprint,” available at As of the writing of this note, the number of earths is down to 2.9.


    Question 30

    Statistics for land use from Food and Agriculture Pocket Statistics for years 2015, 2016, 2017, from the Federal Office of Home Affairs and the Federal Office of Statistics

    Statistics for value of buildings from Staub and Ritter, “Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Immobilienwirtschaft der Schweiz,” Bundesamt für Wohnungswesen und Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung, 2014

    Corrigendum: The sentence: „—the chocolate alone will cost about 30 trillion francs, which is one-fortieth the current value of Switzerland (see Question 30)—“ should read: „—the chocolate alone will cost about 30 trillion francs, which is over three times the current value of Swiss real estate (see Question 30)—“


    Question 32

    Fergus Fleming from his Killing Dragons: the Conquest of the Alps, Atlantic Monthly Press, 2002

    Leslie Stephen from his The Playground of Europe, Longman,1871 (Leslie Stephen, Der Spielplatz Europas, Ü: Dr. Henry Hoek, Zürich/Leipzig 1942)


    Question 34

    Fynes Moryson from his An Itinerary (see note to Question 25)

    John Evelyn from The Diary of John Evelyn, first published 1818, Bray.

    President quoted in Walliser Bote, “Mit Flammen gegen den Wolf,” 15.09.2017

    Part-time shepherd quoted from 20 Minuten, “Im Sommer wird es ein Massaker geben,” 09.06.2015

    Barry Lopez from his Of Wolves and Men, Scribner, 2004

    Yuval Harari from his Sapiens, Vintage, 2011


    Question 35

    André Streilein cited in Zeitonline, “Platt gedacht,” 19.12.2007


    Question 36

    Robert G. Bednarik quoted from his “Cupules” in Rock Art Research, 2008, Vol 25. Number 1


    Question 37

    Oliver Longchamp and Swiss Bankers Association quoted from SWI Swissinfo, “Warum die Schweiz noch immer mit Potentatengelder kaempft,” 18.09.2015

    Human Rights Watch, “Equatorial Guinea: Account for Oil Wealth,” 09.07.2009

    Francois Pilet quoted form The Local, “Dictator-tracker spices up Geneva planespotting,” 21.04.2016, and Newsweek, “Twitter Bot tracks Dictators’ flights to Switzerland,” 13.10.2016

    Leslie Stephen from his The Playground of Europe, Longman, 1871


    Question 38

    Pilot Ralph Tate quoted from Hubert Prigl, “Die Notlandung eines amerikanischen Transportflugzeuges in den Schweizer Alpen und die anschließende Suchaktion im November 1946,” available at

    Speeds taken from Die Alpen, “Auf einmal war es still,” 09.2017.

    For first air rescue (REGA version) see “The Beginnings of Air Rescue, 1946-1959,” at


    Question 39

    For Public Eye on chocolate see

    Chocosuisse Bulletin 2017 available at


    Question 40

    20 Minuten, “Jeder dritte Vergewaltiger entkommt Gefaengnisstrafe,” 08.10.2016.

    Martin Killias quoted from Tagesanzeiger, “Vergewaltiger kommen selten hinter Gitter,” 19.10.2016

    For Bern study see SWI Swissinfo, “Strafvollzug: Vor allem Auslaender bleiben hinter Gitter,” 26.06.2006


    Question 41

    Joerg Huwyler quoted from Neue Zurcher Zeitung, “Die Batterie im Berg,” 04.09.2016

    Raimund Rodewald quoted from Die Alpen, “Erst der Anfang,” 03.2018


    Question 42

    For death of Dieter Zorn see Tagblatt, “Tod bei Schlangenshow,” 19.06.2013


    Question 43

    For the arguments of the Bundesrat in 2009, see file:///C:/Users/ad15lsum/Downloads/erlaeuterungen_desbundesrates29112009%20(2).pdf

    For summary, see

    For use of swiss weapons in conflicts see GSOA Zeitung:

    Edition 117 at,

    Edition 118 at

    Edition 127 at

    Und GSOA Blog 22.11.2009 at

    Chateaubriand quoted from his Voyage au Mont Blanc. Edited by G. Faure. Grenoble: J. Rey, 1920

    Peter Hug from his “Mit der Apartheidregierung gegen den Kommunismus: Die militärischen, rüstungsindustriellen und nuklearen Beziehungen der Schweiz zu Südafrika und die Apartheid-Debatte der Uno, 1948–1994,” available at


    Question 44

    For Köpfli scissors and pin procedure see Bundesamt für Statistik, Valeurs, 01.2013 at

    Martin Gurtner quoted from Der Standard, “In der Mitte: es Paradiesli,” 13.05.2005


    Question 46

    For the man from Riddes and the Bishop of Sion, see Pascal Thurre’s afterword to Willi Wotreng’s Farinet: die phantastische Lebensgeschichte des Schweizer Geldfälschers, der grösser war tot als lebendig, Orell Füssli, 2008


    Question 48

    For a map of Switzerland during the last glacial maximum, see,ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register,ch.bav.haltestellen-oev,ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wanderwege,ch.swisstopo.geologie-eiszeit-lgm-raster&layers_visibility=false,false,false,false,true&layers_timestamp=18641231,,,,&E=2660000.00&N=1190000.00&zoom=5 ??

    See also Florineth and Schlüchter, “Reconstructing the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice surface geometry and flowlines in the Central Swiss Alps,” in Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 1998


    Question 49

    Claude-Alain Roch quoted from 20 Minuten, “Wenn der Wasseralarm einmal echt ist,” 09.02.2010

    Henri Pougatsch quoted from Neue Zürcher Zeitung, “Alors, tout en place, rien ne bouge?” 22.06.2002

    For map of seismic activity with the Grand Dixence looking dangerously purple, see

    For the red map, see Beobachter, “Wo bebt es am häufigsten?” in “Wo es in der Schweiz am gefährlichsten ist,” 09.01.2013


    Question 50

    The report by the Federal Office of Political Economy is “Der Schweizer Tourismus im Klimawandel,” July 2011.

    Reto Knutti quoted from NZZ am Sonntag, “Klimawandel in der Schweiz: Da hilft keine Beschneiung,” 6. Nov. 2016

    Conan Doyle from his “An Alpine Pass on Ski,” Strand Magazine, Volume VIII, 1894

    Frank Smythe quoted from Gavin de Beer, Travellers in Switzerland, Oxford, 1949


    Question 51

    Thoreau quoted from his essay “Life without Principle,” 1863


    Question 52

    For Santé gaie statistics see


    Question 53

    Whymper quoted from his Scrambles Amongst the Alps in the Years 1860-69, John Murray, 1871 (Edward Whymper, Matterhorn — der lange Weg zum Gipfel, Piper, München 2011, übers. v. Friedrich Steger)

    For rising Alps see Science Daily, “Thawing Ice Makes the Alps Grow, ” 10.11.2016


    Question 54

    Gallup pollster Jon Clifton quoted from his article in Diplomaticourier, “Who are the happiest people in the world? The Swiss or the Latin Americans?” 23.04.2015


    Question 55

    Henry James quoted from his Translatlantic Sketches, 1875

    Rilke quoted from his letter of 12.09.1919 to Gertrud Ouckama Knoop

    For these and other interpretations of the Kindlifresser see Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz, Band I, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1952


    Question 57

    For the CASTOR tests, see Bundesamt für Materialforschung “TES Technical Safety - Dangerous Goods Containments” at


    Question 58

    The advertisement is quoted from the HECH pinboard-marktplatz, to be found at It has since been removed.

    Walter von Andrian quoted from Aargauer Zeitung, “SBB verschrotten relative modern Züge und haben keine Reserve,” 17.08.2013

    Corrigendum: The 'Deutsche Bundesbahn' is called 'Deutsche Bahn' since 1994.


    Question 59

    Statistics on Swiss lakes come from Schweizerische Hydrologische Kommission, “Das Wasser in der Schweiz: ein Überblick,” 2013

    Christopher McStay quoted from Scientific American, “Hypothermia: How long can someone survive in frigid water?” 16.01.2009


    Question 60

    Professor Freiburghaus quoted from Tagesanzeiger, “Die Schweiz würde kaum länger als einige Wochen überleben,” 10.02.2014

    Statistics about Swiss agricultural land use from Food and Agriculture Pocket Statistics for years 2015, 2016, 2017, from the Federal Office of Home Affairs and the Federal Office of Statistics

    Statistics about Swiss motorized vehicles from Bundesamt für Statistik, “Verkehrsinfrastruktur und Fahrzeuge” at

    Statistics for Swiss heating from Bundesamt für Statistik at

    For Biosphere 2, see

    Corrigendum: The sentence "And food never had to be rationed" on page 236 of the English version («Und Nahrungsmittel mussten nie rationiert werden» on page 268 of the German version) is an error. It should read: "And Switzerland was the only country in Europe in which potatoes, vegetables and fruit never had to be rationed" («Und die Schweiz war das einzige Land in Europa wo Kartoffeln, Obst und Gemüse nie rationiert werden mussten»).

    See also


    Question 62

    Leslie Stephen quoted from his The Playground of Europe, Longman, 1871.

    Christian Bogdal’s study is “Blast from the Past: Melting Glaciers as a Relevant Source for Persistent Organic Pollutants,” in Environmental Science and Technology, 2009, 43, 8173-8177.

    Matthias Huss and Samuel Nussbaumer quoted from Tagesanzeiger, “So schmolzen die Schweizer Gletscher in 160 Jahren weg,” 02.08.2017


    Question 63

    Statistics on counterfeiting from Eidgenössische Justiz- und Polizei Departement EJPD available at

    Orrell Füssli quoted from its website. See

    Kuhl’s judge cited from NRZ, “Haftstrafe für Kölner Geldfälscher,” 09.11.2007

    Kuhl quoted from Watson: “Profi-Fälscher: die neuen Schweizer Banknoten sind einfach zu fälschen,” 13.01.2016

    Edwin Schmidheiny and MK quoted from MK Marketing & Kommunikation, “Schweizer Banknoten: Nur schön und sicher oder eine Verkörperung der Marke Schweiz?” 09.08.2017


    Question 64

    Equation from Smartvote quoted from “Methodenbeschreibung—smartvote Wahlempfehlung,” available at

    Democracy Building quoted from “Switzerland’s refined proportional representation system” at

    Global Advocacy quoted from “Electoral Systems: Switzerland” at


    Question 65

    Staistics on Swiss snowfall and watercourses from Schweizerische Hydrologische Kommission, “Das Wasser in der Schweiz: ein Überblick,” 2013


    Question 66

    Corrigendum: The phrase, „and a quadrillion dollars worth of other buildings“ is an error. It ought to read, „and 3 trillion francs worth of other buildings.“ (See question 30.)


    (c) Author photo: Thomas Andenmatten